Brief Profile


Mirosław Klinkowski is an Associate Professor at the Central Chamber for Telecommunication Metrology (Z-12) at the National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT) in Warsaw, Poland, and is a Collaborating Researcher at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain.

He received the M.Sc. degree from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland, in 1999, the Ph.D. degree from UPC in 2008, and the D.Sc. (habilitation) degree from WUT in 2013.

His research interests include optical networking with emphasis on network modeling, design, and optimization.

He is currently involved in the research on space division multiplexing (SDM) elastic optical networks through the OPUS 11 grant (no. 2016/21/B/ST7/02212) founded by the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland, and on convergent packet switched 5G transport networks through the OPUS 16 grant (no. 2018/31/B/ST7/03456) founded by the NCN, Poland.

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